Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thoughts on Labor Day, 2016

This teriffic post stolen without permission from the Facebook page of the Bangor Maine Police Department today:
Bangor Maine Police Department 

Ponder for a moment, if you will, how all those who have come and gone before you were able to exist and thrive with far less than you current have.

The carpenter who did not have the ability to request that the shingles were placed on the roof by the lift truck, the masons that built chimneys by carrying the bricks to the rooftop without the aid of mechanical devices.
The excavation that was done by hand, the sewer systems that were built by straight manual labor, the cops who walked the beat and the firefighters that manually pumped water on to burning homes and buildings.
We probably should stop for a moment and thank the good Lord for horses and the guys that kept them fed and shod.
We have it pretty good. The infrastructure of America was built by the strong backs of both citizens and immigrants. Laborers. They did in dangerous working conditions with zero health insurance and without a retirement plan or days off and I suspect they were hungry on more than one occasion.
When you stop back at the grill for your second burger this weekend and whine because Larry from down the street ate the last of the potato salad, just think about it. Maybe take a minute to look around and understand what Labor Day 2016 is all about.
It really is not about you. It sure is not about me.
Labor day was instituted for us to take a long hard look at what we have and how it got here. We have it pretty good and we need to appreciate it.
Have a great Labor Day 2016. Tell Larry to lighten up on the potato salad.
Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone and be kind to one another.
We will be here.