Great post I just have to share, from one of my favorite authors:
(by Steve Goodier - )
An Encouraging Word
Image courtesy of Brian Lary |
"Home on the Range" is a
familiar American song that has become something of an unofficial anthem
of the American west. Words to the song are adapted from Brewster
Higley's original poem:
Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam,
Where the deer and the antelope play,
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
Since I live in the
American west myself, I know something about skies that are not cloudy
all day. But I sometimes find myself reflecting on a time when bison
roamed the grassy prairie. And though I think I'd like to at least visit
where the deer and the antelope play, I know I'd enjoy a place where
seldom is heard a discouraging word. I wonder if there is such a place.
Or how about somewhere that oft is heard an encouraging word? Can a place like that be found? A place of encouragement?
man thought he might have found such a place in a bookstore where he
waited in line for a guest author to autograph a copy of his latest
novel. An encouraging, elderly woman at the front of the line turned
around and said with obvious enthusiasm, “I just have to say – this is
the BEST book I've ever read. Why, I couldn't put it down until the very
last page.”
Before anyone could respond, the author glanced up and said, “All right, Mother, that's enough!”
realize that a mother's praise is a bit on the biased side. Besides, if
we're looking for more warm vibes and verbal support, we certainly
can't take our mothers with us wherever we go. That said, there is
tremendous power in words of encouragement. Power to change lives.
young Polish boy wanted to play piano, but his teacher told him that
his fingers were too stubby and that he would never play well. The boy
was advised to try the cornet, but was later told by an expert musician
that he did not have the lip to ever be good. Discouraging words.
one day he met the great pianist Anton Rubinstein. The famous musician
gave this young boy the first bit of musical encouragement he ever
received. “Young man,” Rubinstein said, “you might be able to play the
piano. In fact, I think you can...if you will practice seven hours a
Seven hours a day might sound daunting. But that was all
the boost this boy needed. The great Rubinstein had told him he could do
it. He might have to dedicate most of his time to practice, but he
could do it. He could be good. After all, Anton Rubinstein said so.
did practice for many hours every day and his hard work was rewarded.
Years later, Jan Paderewski became one of the most famous pianists of
his time. An encouraging word carried with it enough power to ignite a
young boy’s eager spirit, and the resulting fire of passion burned
brightly in the musician's heart for decades.
Your encouraging word, given today, may forever change a receptive life. I wonder who needs to hear it.
-- Steve Goodier